Sunday, December 31, 2017


Dreaming - Probably my last image for this year. Created entirely in iColorama - it is starting to grow on me. So much blending and stuff - good thing I don't have to duplicate it 😉 I am saving this image because there is so much other stuff I would do in other apps and will probably play with it again sometime after my iColorama course is finished. This is getting closer to what I am envisioning my iPad/app work to look like. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Some tree images from around Four Seasons and my AM walks. All created with iColorama. I am taking an iColorama course and finding it challenging.  Very hard to get my head around the ins and outs of iColorama but it is fun.  My problem is I work fast and create so many variations that I do not know how I produced these images - so many filters and stuff in iColorama.  I try to slow down and take notes but it never quite happens.

Thursday, December 14, 2017


Apps - Slowshutter, Leonardo, Decim8, Lens Distortions, Mextures, Snapseed
Slowshutter on the figure, iPhone6 camera on the trees
For a challenge on one of my Mobile FB groups. I just bought Decim8 and I am loving it.

Bride Maids

I took the image I made the other day “White Dress” and converted it to B&W and ran some apps on it and came up with this. New apps used - Snapseed, Leonardo, Decim8, LightBrush, Don’t know how I feel about it but it is interesting. So different from anything I have ever produced - I am trying to learn by experimenting.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

The White Dress

Created on my iPad
Apps - Procreate, Repix, Leonardo, Mextures, Snapseed

Friday, December 8, 2017

Two New iPad Images

Created on my iPad Pro with various apps - Procreate, Snapseed, Leonardo, Mextures, Pixlr

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Montauk Point Light

Photo taken in September iPhone6. Playing with Pixlr today interesting app a lot like Snapseed. Processes on my iPad pro.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bug II

Another original photo of road markings from my AM walk abstracted taken with my iPhone6. Apps - Adobe PaintCan, iColroama, Procreate, Leonardo, Snapseed, Lightbrush. I wanted to do another one of these just to make sure I could.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


I used a base image from a photo I took of the road on a morning walk. Apps - Adobe Paint Can, iColorama, Procreate, Stackables.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A Step Away

Photo from my iPhone 6 modified on my iPad with lots of other stuff.  One of the BG images was a photo I took of road markings. Apps used - Leonardo, Light Brush, Stackables, Procreate and Snapseed.  Images were in some of these apps a few times.  Love making the images on my iPad but I wish I knew how I made them.  When you create in Photoshop and you are finished you have your original image with all its layers (steps) - not so with apps.  

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Tree Line

Created on my iPad from three photos.  The background trees and foreground field are from PA and the tree line is from our golf course here in NJ.

Apps - Leonardo, Snapseed, Stackables, Mextures

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Grim Twin

Original photo taken with my iPhone 6. Created on my iPad apps used - Procreate, Leonardo, Snapseed, Repix, Mextures

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Fallen Leaves

Two leaf photos taken with my iPhone 6 on a morning walk. Image created on my iPad - apps used iColorama, Leonardo, Procreate, Stackables. For my botanicals course.

Monday, November 13, 2017

We All Have Flaws

Created on my iPad. Apps used - Procreate, iColorama, Snapseed, Repix, Leonardo
My yoga teacher said today we all have flaws and that is what makes us interesting.  I think it can make us assholes but then that is just me!!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

On The Move

Created on my iPad - apps used Leonardo, iColorama, Procreate, Mextures.  Well I sure am trying but I just feel I have no voice on my iPad.  I am not sure of my direction, what I want to produce and also how to do it.  The only way I know to overcome this is to just practice and work at it and learn the apps.  Hopefully my path will be revealed.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Bear Creek

Bear Creek Herbary today - cold but beautiful day. Photo taken with my iPhone and processed with - iColorama, Mextures and Procreate

Framed Botanical

Trying to keep up but been busy with other stuff. The top most leaf is from my coleus - poor baby got hit with freezing temps last night so that is the end of it. From my Botanicals class.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What Remains

Some photos from my AM walk reworked on my iPad
Apps used - Snapseed, Leonardo, Stackables, Procreate
Cool day here I think winter is coming.  Some dried flowers by the golf course and my front window. Working on my iPad and learning - I have a plan!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

iPad work

Created on my iPad Apps used - Leonardo, Stackables, LightBrush, Procreate

Thursday, November 2, 2017


Still playing with Project 1. I took the photo of the maple leaf on my morning walk. It is fall here in the Northeast and the leaves are falling. Apps used - Leonardo, Stackables, Lightbrush, Procreate and iColorama for the paper texture and the lettering. I used Leonardo to add the pods and tree branches to the background. This is the first time I have used iColorama for text and it works really great, you can even add shadows - still learning this app. I did extract the leaf and create the png file in Photoshop. I am enjoying making these botanical images!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Botanicals Course

So I am taking a course on creating Botanical images with frames on my iPad.  These are two examples I made for the first project.  It is a fun course and I hope to learn more about some of the apps I have on my iPad.

I have decided to work exclusively on the iPad with apps for the next couple of months.  I want to get away from my dependence on Photoshop and making composite images.  I can do that and I do it well - I want to expand my artistic ability and really learn how to use the iPad and the apps I have purchased.

I am looking to make personal, simpler, and more intimate images.  I want to express myself in a new way and I am excited to start this journey.  It is a great time of year to start - I tend to spend a lot of time inside during the winter and I have this and another course lined up.  I also am gathering examples of work that I find edgy and exciting and is in keeping with what I envision myself making.   I have a list of apps I want to focus on and I want to get some sort of work flow going.

The apps used in the above work - Leonardo, Stackables, Procreate, LightBrush, and iColorama.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

When You Wish

I created this quite a while ago but just never posted it.  Made this part in Photoshop and finished on my iPad. The background is a photo from Long Island the rest stuff added.  Probably the last image like this for now - I am going to devote my time to my iPad and learning apps for the next few months.

Friday, October 27, 2017


Created on my iPad using Procreate, SketchMaster, Paintcan and Stackables

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Haunted Farm

Textures, images, background photo and stuff - my collection and Mischief Circus

I made this one awhile ago and I can’t remember if I did it on my iPad or in Photoshop.  

Monday, October 16, 2017


Background - created using 3 images
Textures, moon, bat brushes, sparkles, smoke - my collection

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Bless The Children

Background - Songbirdy Mischief Circus
Children, dog skeleton - itKuPiLLi Mischief Circus
Pumpkins -
Textures, birds, horns, skulls , other stuff - my collection

Friday, October 13, 2017

Bad Things Happen At Night

Background - Mischief Circus
Textures, skulls, skeleton, eyes, black cat, birds, smoke, webs, pumpkins - all my collection

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Passage

Background - Mischief Circus
Main Figure - created using various bits and pieces
Textures, skulls, bird, fog, stuff - my collection and Mischief Circus

Friday, October 6, 2017

The Gate

Background - Mischief Circus
Model - Pixabay
Textures, bird, cats, webs, pumpkins, roses, extra fire - all my collection

Thursday, October 5, 2017


Model - Pixabay
Background created using a number of textures
Textures, webs, pumpkins, cat, feathers - my collection and Mischief Circus

Created on my iPad and in Photoshop on my Mac - apps - Adobe Paint Can, Repix, Stackables, Procreate. My favorite way to work!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Avenging Angel

Background - created using two papers from Mischief Circus
Mascara -
Textures, moon, birds, skulls, skeleton, feather, mist - my collection and Mischief Circus

Lighting Effects - Auto FX

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

After Midnight

Background - created using three different photos
Ghost, fog - Mischief Circus
Textures, birds, pumpkins, scare crow, moon, skulls, weeds - my collection
It's that time of year again!!!!!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Thursday, September 21, 2017


Created on my iPad 
Apps - Adobe Paintcan, Repix, Procreate

Selune represents the mysterious power of the moon, the celestial force that influences the tides, changes lycanthropes, orders of reproductive cycles, and pulls at the edges of sanity. An incalculably ancient deity, Selune approaches existence with the placid calm of dappled moonlight. Like the moon itself, the quietly mystical Lady of Silver has many faces.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

No Need To Please

Model - Pixabay
Created on my iPad

Finally creating some art again - I just wasn't feeling inspired.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

PA Landscape

Created on my iPad - apps Adobe Paintcan, Repix and Procreate
My photo from PA.
Loving Paintcan interesting app and lots of potential, easy to use and nice results. I think maybe I should have brought this into iColorama for some lighting and color adjustments but was just playing with Paintcan for now.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Shadow Creature

Created on my iPad using Procreate, iColorama, Repix

Model Pixabay

Still now what I have in mind but I am getting closer.  Loving my iPad and the apps but so much to learn.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Two Images

Both created in my iPad with various apps.  I like the first better but they are different so hard to compare.

Monday, August 28, 2017


Model - Hannah Colby File
Created on my iPad

I just cannot seem to make the type of image I have in mind - working on my iPad but still thinking Photoshop. I need to maybe spend a month or more just experimenting on the iPad with nothing in mind and no posting to get where I need to go - I am frustrated!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Dark Angel - I Will Remember You

Back to creating my own stuff after completing the 15 Day challenge.  Did this one on my iPad pro with a lot of different apps.