Saturday, May 31, 2014
Girl extracted from a vintage photo
All other elements, BG, textures, dandelion pics, etc. my collection.
WOW the last day of May - thought I would end with another of my Dandelion images - probably not the last of them.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Warrior Woman
For Digitalmania
The challenge for Friday May 30th is inspirational artist ANAHATA KATKIN who creates exquisite illustrations, paintings and art journals.
Woman - extracted and colored from a vintage photo see below
Everything else my collection
Thursday, May 29, 2014
"Playing Cards" Challenge at ManipulateThis - DeviantArt
Textures Required Stock:
Da Vinci -…
Earth & Sky -…
Pond -…
Other elements:
Model - madmoisellemelistock.deviantar…
Edge -…
Steampunk Edge -…
Some elements - steamship, lion, gears, steampunk odds and ends - DeviantScrap - all purchased by myself sometime ago for my collection
All other elements - my collection
Since I am a Tarot reader and collector I chose the tarot card Strength - Power, self discipline, inner strength, patience and gentle force. I decided to made a Steampunk image to represent the card.
So another challenge - I can't help myself. For this one we had to use 3 different textures and have a card border to create a playing card. How could I resist?? If I didn't have those restrictions this would look different but I do kind of like it.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
I Ran All The Way Home
Model -
All other elements, BG, textures and stuff my collection
Was at the gym this AM and they were playing awful oldies but one of the songs had this line in it and being bored on the treadmill I started thinking about making it into a digital image ; )
Monday, May 26, 2014
Our Lady Of The Forest
For Digitalmania Group
The challenge for Friday May 30th is inspirational artist ANAHATA KATKIN who creates exquisite illustrations, paintings and art journals.
Woman - extracted and colored from a vintage photo
Some elements DeviantScrap
All other BGs, textures, elements and stuff my collection.
This was a new artist for me and a style way out of my comfort zone (but I am getting better at trying new things). I think this artist does real collage and not digital so it was fun to try to reproduce that handmade look. I noticed she does a lot of collages with women, flowers as decoration and lettering. I was out walking today and thought of what I wanted to do and even the title. I am happy with this ; )
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Ghost Town
Girls extracted from a vintage photo
BG image -
All other elements, trees, smoke, birds, moon, textures, etc. - my collection. I am back to the creepy and I love it ; )
Friday, May 23, 2014
Taraxacum (Dandelion)
Model - extracted from a vintage photo
Dandelion BG -
All other elements, BGs, textures and stuff - my collection.
Dandelions (taraxacum) are thought to have evolved about thirty million years ago in Eurasia. They have been used by humans for food and as a herb for much of recorded history.
Took a walk and saw so many dandelion - they looked like little fuzzy heads - I came home and made this image. I am finding dandelions so fascinating this year!
Can It Get Any Wetter
For Digitalmania Group
The challenge for Friday May 23rd is - the style of Kingabrit from DeviantArt - a Hungarian artist specialising in photo manipulation/surreal images.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
The Fool
Model -
Background -
All other elements, textures, dog and stuff my collection.
I am very interested in the Tarot and have created my own collage deck - The Odyssey Tarot. I thought from time to time I might make some images based on the tarot - so here is my first - The Fool - ready to take that leap of faith and start their journey.
I didn't plan on this being B&W but it is how it ended up and it works for me ; )
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
The Circus Girl
I made this image for the Three Muses blog challenge - this weeks theme is Some Like it Hot - Warm Colours. Nothing says warmer weather than the circus coming to town. All the bright posters and striped tents - a feast for the eyes.
I extracted the girl from a vintage photo and added a little color to her clothes. I combined a circus poster and some other elements to make my background. I added my snake from DeviantScrap around her neck and she is off to join the circus.
Doing this image I realized I like to and usually work in more subdued colors - this was interesting as I really never thought about that before. However I do like this image and who wants to see a gloomy circus poster!!
Girl extracted from a vintage photo
Butterflies - viva
All other elements, BGs, textures and stuff my collection
Dandelions - extracted from my photos
I have made quite a few dandelion images lately - they are fascinating.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Saddle Up
For Digitalmania Group
The challenge for Friday May 23rd is - the style of Kingabrit from DeviantArt - a Hungarian artist specialising in photo manipulation/surreal images.
Model -
Sheep and some elements DeviantScrap
All other elements, BG, textures and stuff - my collection.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
A Day At The Beach
This image is for the blog challenge at Take A Word - the word for Monday is Beach.
Girl extracted from a vintage photo
Seagull -
Some elements DeviantScrap
All other elements, BGs, textures and stuff - my collection.
Hey it's not very sunny day at the beach but any day at the beach is great. I really enjoyed making this image and it all came together so quickly - wish they all did ; )
Saturday, May 17, 2014
The Sisters Come To Town
Sisters extracted from a vintage photo and colored
Piggy - DeviantScrap
BG, textures, trees, and stuff - my collection
Coming into town was a big day for these girls - all 3 of them ; ) I love that piggy.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Lady Clare
For Digitalmania Group
The challenge for Friday May 16th is - the style of Hogret from DeviantArt
Interesting because she has so many styles - real collage, altered books, digital collage, etc. She also uses real images from old masters or etchings/engravings in her work.
This image uses the painting by John Waterhouse "Lady Clare" as the focal. The image is below.
I extracted and transformed the painted figure into a sketch and used it as the bases for my digital collage
All other elements, BG, textures, brushes and stuff - my collection.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
The Fancy Swan
For Digitalmania
The challenge for Friday May 16th is - the style of Hogret from DeviantArt
Interesting because she has so many styles - real collage, altered books, digital collage, etc. She also uses real images from old masters or etchings/engravings in her work.
The woman in the image is from this painting of Lady Helena Snakenborg (yea really)
I extracted the woman, added and merged 2 BG's, frame, steampunk stuff, swan, bow and hat and a few textures. Silly but fun. The original painting is below.
And The Day Keeps Dragon On
Woman extracted from a vintage photo -
BG image - JoesSistah's -
Some elements DeviantScrap all other elements, textures and stuff - my collection
I especially love this one - so much going on ; )
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
A Walk Down Dandelion Lane
Model -
BG -
All other elements my collection
I seem to be fascinated with dandelions lately. This is one of three images I made using dandies. They certainly are resilient - if we had a nuclear war they would survive. I find their life cycle from yellow flower to seed fuzzies so interesting. Are they flowers or weeds??
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Childhood - Take A Word Challenge
Paradise Farm - they didn't have much but they had each other and a really cool rhino named Harry.
The Take a Word Blog challenge is childhood.
Woman extracted from a vintage pic
Kids extracted from a vintage pic
Some elements DeviantScrap
All other elements, BG, textures and stuff my collection.
Mother's Day
The main figures are extracted from a painting - Frederic LEIGHTON Music Lesson 1877
I extracted them and placed them on the stone bench added 2 different BGs, the bird and lots of textures and blending modes - then the frame.
I tried to keep myself from adding something really creepy - but I wanted to ; )
Saturday, May 10, 2014
So the iris are coming our in our neighborhood. I went and took some pictures yesterday - it wasn't that great a day for the flowers because it had rained and they were a little soggy so I only took a few pics. What I did take were actually pretty nice. I made the above image last night with 2 of the photos. Below are some of the elements that I used in the image.
This is the vintage image I extracted the girl from I just loved her beautiful face and eyes. I did convert it to B&W and later added a touch of color. Below are the two iris pictures I used - the bigger flower on the right and the group on the left behind the girl. I also added a few flowers in the bottom right corner for balance. I then added a few textures, some blending modes, masking, some writing and then the old frame and some spatter.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Double Trouble
Girls extracted from vintage photo
Some elements DeviantScrap
All other elements, BG, textures and stuff - my collection
This image has lots of layers, blending modes, masks and textures. I love the kitty. I am really enjoying working with vintage photos - they are the best!!! I do extract the people but always add hats, flowers or the like - I like to mix old and new - especially steampunk.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Old Guys Rule
Old guys - extracted from vintage pic
Some elements DeviantScrap
All other elements and textures my collection. This is just so silly I love it!!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
I made this image for the Three Muses blog challenge - this weeks theme is Positive Affirmations. I saw this quote on a friends FB wall last week and thought it would make a good affirmation.
I extracted the dancer and placed her on the BG. I added the keys, a few textures and blending modes and then the text. I do not usually use text in my images - just not comfortable with it - don't know why?
All elements from my collection of stuff.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
The Moon
This image is for the blog challenge at Take A Word - the word for Monday is Circles. Well I chose the moon - a circle right ; )
Woman extracted from a vintage photo. Everything else my collection - BG, moon, tree, birds and textures.
Under The Sea
Model -
Some elements - deviantScrap
Other elements, textures and stuff - my collection. I have been thinking ocean these past few days. Well actually under the ocean ; )
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Paper Doll
For Digitalmania Group
So the challenge for Friday May 9th is - PAPER COLLAGE (digital style).
Oh boy - this is my first attempt. Don't know if this is correct or not - not sure what I was doing but it was fun. I want to try more of these - interesting way of working digitally - well for me it was.
The Diva
Model -
Frame, owl and other elements DeviantScrap
Other elements, textures and stuff - my collection
Sometimes I even scare myself - this is juts so weird!
Friday, May 2, 2014
Farm Girls
Girls extracted from a vintage photo. I colored them in Photoshop.
All other elements, BG, textures, trees, chicken, birds, frame and brushes my collection
I have been so interested in vintage photos lately. I wonder who these people were and what is their story. I am also interested in the concept of sisters too - I have made a few sister images that I will be posting soon. Love Photoshop!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Leaving Salem
Model -
All other elements, BG, Textures, brushes and stuff - my collection.
This is my favorite image I have created so far. I love everything about it - especially the name ; )
All other elements, BG, Textures, brushes and stuff - my collection.
This is my favorite image I have created so far. I love everything about it - especially the name ; )
Witch extracted and added to the BG. All other elements - moon, birds, cat, sign, extra trees and texture added. Then a few textures and blending modes on top.
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