Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween
Trick or Treat my last Halloween image. I sure had fun making all of these images and I achieved my goal - one a day for more than the month. I am sad that I had to take in all my outdoor decorations for the hurricane but so thankful we had no damage like most people here at the NJ shore. The pictures are devastating and I pray for all those affected - it is going to be a LONG recovery. Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Back To The Cellar
You just cannot stay out of the cellar. Be careful of what is behind that door!! I think this is my new favorite. Only one more day for my Halloween images - it has been fun.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Can't Stay Out Of The Graveyard
What is the lure of the graveyard. My advice stay away!!!! I thought I would post this early as we are having a hurricane and may lose power - I hope not as I have 2 more days of Halloween images to post.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
The Attic
So you think the cellar is scary how about the attic?? You never know what's going on up there and it isn't all fun and games - or is it!!!!!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
The Stairs
So do you ever wonder what is living under the stairs?? Take a quick peek and then run like hell!! Created with Photoshop Elements and a ton of layers.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Happy Halloween
Well the day is getting closer - I am going to be so sad to take down most of my decorations. I do not take down everything I like a little Halloween all year long!! I really like this image - I had the girl but wasn't sure what I wanted to add to her but I think I did her justice. Created in Photoshop Elements.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
My latest - I seem to have a thing for sculls and skeletons this year - wonder why?? Usually for me it is witches and black cats. So check out this little corner of the grave yard - make sure you don't venture over there.
Witch House
So Dearie - would you like to come in for a spot of tea or perhaps a potion or two?? Step into the witch's kitchen but beware of what you might find ; )
Monday, October 22, 2012
Two New Images
See I forgot to post my reaper image yesterday so it is 2 again today. Top is not the Avon lady calling and the bottom is the Lady of the Lake Halloween style. Getting close to the end of the month so I need to keep the ideas coming.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Oh No This Doesn't Look Good
Well it doesn't look good when you look out the window and see The Reaper on the front lawn. Maybe it would be best to sneak out the back door!!!!!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Naughty Girl
So what has our little miss been up to - nothing good I would suspect. She is a Naughty Girl for sure. I particularly like this image - maybe my new favorite at least for today.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Spirit Sisters
Today's image Spirit Sisters. I am going to hate to see Halloween over - maybe I will have to do Thanksgiving images and then Christmas!! I could play with Photoshop all day long.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Tales From The Crypt
Well here is today's offering Tales From the Crypt and sad tales they are. Crying for a past lover perhaps. I remember the TV show with that name and that nasty crypt keeper as host. Image made with Photoshop Elements and a whole lot of layers!!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Two Scary Images
The Widow
Haunted Hayride
So I forgot to post my image yesterday - that doesn't mean there wasn't any -- it just means I get to post 2 today I have for your viewing pleasure the Black Widow and she is no spider. Also a Haunted Hayride - if you dare. Both images made with Photoshop Elements.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
The Side Street
Something a little less sinister for today - don't go down this street if you want to Trick or Treat all the treats have been taken!
When The Kids Come Out To Play
Oh those crazy kids always out and about and looking for a good time. Better watch out they might want to party with you!!!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Halloween House
Well isn't this just the best Halloween house ever - not even scary - just cute. I especially like the black kitty.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The Scarecrow
Everyone of these images that I do becomes my favorite - right now this is it - Mr. Scarecrow. I love the feeling of this image and do you see the kitty hiding in the field?? That scarecrow is quite handsome I think! Image created with Photoshop Elements.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
So I missed posting yesterday so I am making up for it with 2 Vampire images. A boy and girl - that's fair right??
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Day of the Dead Mona
That crazy Mona Lisa you never know what she will be up to next. Here she is in full Día de los Muertos makeup. Got to love her spunk - she is a wild child.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
The Cellar
Makes me want to shout - Are you crazy - don't go down that cellar!!!!!!!! When I was a kid and lived in PA we always had a basement - I hated the cellar - spiders, dark and scary places. Thankfully I don't have one now.
Friday, October 5, 2012
I look at this image and can't help but laugh - I want to call it "Wheres Daddy" cause it's Mummy - get it!!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The Horseman
This image is for my friend Carol who loves Sleepy Hollow ans the tale of the Horseman - I love it too - especially the movie with Johnny Depp!!!! I am still going strong and still have plenty of Halloween ideas!! Decorated my house this past weekend - it looks awesome.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Long Lost Couple
What a lovely couple too bad they are ghosts!! My latest Halloween image and I have almost a month to go - I wonder if I will run out of ideas?? I hope not cause I am having fun. Notice the pretty black cat in the lower right - his name is Boo.
Monday, October 1, 2012
The Good Witch
In keeping with the witch theme at least today here we have the good witch and she is a red head like me too - so you know she is good!!!!
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